Did you know that there are lots of ways to get involved in improving our health care system? Whether you're interested in joining a research team, helping to set research priorities, helping inform a quality improvement project, or contributing to events and education, your experience provides a unique and valuable perspective!

Patient Partner is an 'umbrella term' that includes anyone who has experience with the health care system and/or personal experience of a health issue. This includes informal caregivers, such as family and friends, as well!

Each engagement opportunity is unique and depends on the needs of a particular project. We ask you for your demographic information below to ensure we reflect the diversity of the Vancouver Island region. Making sure we have a wide range of voices, including different ages, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, abilities, and equity-deserving groups, is important to us. We recognize that many of these identities intersect and that therefore, equity, diversity and inclusion can be complex. We are committed to ensuring full and equal opportunities for participation for all registry members.

Please complete this brief sign-up form to tell us about yourself.

By signing up, you will receive regular updates on Patient-Oriented Research and health care system improvement opportunities open to residents served by Island Health. Signing up with us does not obligate you to take part in any of the opportunities we share with you. We will not share your personal information without your permission.

Thank you!

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