Island Health Research is seeking reviewers to help evaluate and review applications for the newly launched Seed and Catalyst grants, funded by the Victoria Hospitals Foundation.

As reviewers play a critical role in the success of the awards process, Island Health Research is establishing and seeking members for the Research Grant Peer Review Committee. The committee will evaluate grant applications, helping to inform the selection of grant award winners.

We invite committee participation from Decision Makers, Clinicians, Patient Partners and Researchers with research experience, related knowledge and expertise and/or lived experience in one of Island Health Research’s priority areas.

Island Health Research endeavours to assemble a diverse Research Grant Peer Review Committee, and encourages interest from members of equity-seeking communities including women, racialized and Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions.

Reviewers will participate on a volunteer basis for a two-year term with option for renewal. While compensation will not be provided, this is an excellent opportunity to develop review skills and contribute knowledge and experience to inform the selection process. Initial application reviews will occur during the month of February 2022, with a committee review meeting to occur in the first week of March 2022. Reviewers will be assigned applications on the basis of subject matter expertise.

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